Thursday, October 23, 2008


Things are begining to look up these days. More and more smiles from our angel...every day!! She's found her hands...and is constantly trying to eat them! haha. She loves watching her cousin Rachel. She will stare at her for hours. Its precious. Halloween is coming up. I wasnt going to get Hayden a costume, because I figured she's not going to remember this anyway. Then I decided that she's only little once, and went online searching for the perfect costume. Well, I found it. Its super cute, and she loves it. Okay, well... she doesnt really care.. but, I LOVE it. :) Anyway... hope you all are having a fantastic day!


Anonymous said...

Oh that's too adorable! I love it! I still haven't found the perfect outfits for the boys...

Heather said...


indyhumes said...

Very cute!